In 2002 Dieter Nonhoff suggested to establish the „Oleg Kagan Foundation at Lake Tegernsee“ so secure the festivals future.
Thanks to the continued support of friends and donors, the foundation capital is now approaching € 1.000.000.
Dieter Nonhoff is presiding the board ever since.
on the left Oleg Kagan and Natalia Gutman on the right
A quote from „Honorary Chairwoman“ Natalia Gutman:
„Music is energy for live – both we musicians and you, the audience, can participate in this extraordinary experience at our festival in Kreuth (at lake Tegernsee). We´d like to share this wonderful experience by supporting young musicians so the inspiration can live on.“
It was and is motivation for our donors to secure concert appearances for young artists and to enrich the musical live at Lake Tegernsee and far beyond.
To help you have two options:
Join the many music lovers, business people and companies in supporting the International Music Festival Kreuth at Lage Tegernsee.
Please get in touch in any way you like and we´ll be happy to provide additional information.
Many Thanks!
Nördliche Hauptstraße 3
83708 Kreuth
Tel. +49 (0) 170 9339740
Foundation Council
Josef Bierschneider, Chairman
Natalia Gutman, Honorary Chairwoman
Alfons Besel
Kirsten Betke
Viktor Erdmann
Dr. Klaus Fresenius
Thomas Klingelhöfer
Rainer Küppers
Dr. Martin Mihalovits
Dr. Johannes Schulte
Dieter Nonhoff, Chairman
Redwitzstraße 1
81925 München
Tel. +49 (0) 170 9339740
Helge Augstein
Postfach 101061
80084 München
Tel. +49 (0) 89 26024333
Gerhard Gegenfurtner
Poilstr. 12
83734 Hausham
Tel. +49 (0) 8026 58642
Main Donors from the start with donations…